Becoming a member

Asian Oncology Nursing Society

AONS Membership

The worldwide forum to cancer care, share ideas and learn

1. Please complete the membership form*. Receipt will be issued to you via email when the subscription is accepted.

2. Whenever a member pays the subscription fee, the annual membership always starts in January and ends in December of the same year.

3. According to AONS By-Laws article 3 & 6, categories of membership and membership fee are listed below.

Categories Eligibility Annual membership fee
Individual member

 Either one of the followings:

- nurses who are interested in the purpose of the Society;   

one practicing oncology nursing in an Asian country where there is no oncology nursing organization;

20 USD
Annual member  Organizations and corporations who support the purposes of AONS. 
2,000 USD
Full member

 Cancer Nursing Societies located in the Asia Pacific region of the world.

 Based on the size of the organization:

- Under 500 members: 75 USD 

- 501 -2,000 members: 100 USD

- Over 2,000 members: 150 USD

Membership Benefits
  • Enjoy a discount rate for AONS conference
  • Enjoy a discount rate for our official journal APJON
  • Opportunities of applying scholarship and awards
  • Expand your networks in the Asia region
  • Receive more professional and educational information regarding oncology nursing and cancer control
  • Opportunities of working with Asian oncology nursing leaders
  • Opportunities of capacity building
Subscription for Membership
Subscription for Membership_2025-26.docx